Shopping in vilnius city

Shopping, Shopping, shopping!

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Shopping is an itegral part of every human life. For one it is a hobby, for others relaxation method or just a necessity. It‘s great – when everything what you need can be found in a one place. Therefore, a lot of shopping centres are established in Lithuania, where you can find from clothes to technology products,  from souvenirs to…

party bus in Vilnius city

Fun tourism in Vilnius

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Are you looking to have a fun in a different way??? Vilnius city could be the right option – it is the heart of the Europe! Here you can find plenty of ideas and offers to spend your holidays or just short weekend. Lithuania is the country, which have 4 bright seasons of the year – spring, summer, autumn and…

SPA in Lithuania

Health tourism

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Medical tourism Many people come to Lithuania for quality health care at a really low cost. Medical quality is very high and exclusiveness service provided. Lithuanian Healthcare system meets all EU directives and requirements. Health tourism is among the top five priorities in the development of tourism in Lithuania. The country offers a wide range of medical tourism services including…

Gediminas castle in Vilnius


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Gediminas castle is mentioned first time in 1323 and it is considered the symbol of Lithuania capital Vilnius. The history of the castle is associated with the legend. Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas dreamed the roaring iron wolf, which according priest Lizdeika means a sigh, that in this place Gediminas should build the city. So, the story of Gediminas Castle is…

Dzukija national park

Places to visit

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Lithuania National Parks Five Lithuanian National Parks we has in Lithuania at the moment. They were established in 1991 year, after restoration of indepence Lithuania. Aukštaitija National Park Aukštaitija National Park was established to preserve and restore cultural heritage of Aukštaitija region, as well as to organise sustainable use of it‘s resources. Here you can find almost all kinds of…

Lithuanian national food

Food traditions

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Lithuanian people will always make sure their guests are so filling they would be unable to take another bite before they leave. From the ancient time Lithuanian people are satisfied, that good work can be made by that person, who is full. Food, which give power and energy to those who work in the fields and is mostly characterised by…

Lithuanian river nemunas

Reasons to visit Lithuania

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NATURE Lithuania is famous  not for its developed industry, but for its unique and beautiful nature: blue-eyed lakes, baltic sea, lush green forests, the sky blue rivers and old mounds including burial mounds. This is the land of ancient green forests, and blue-eyed lakes nestled between, it looks like the sky touches the earth here. The country landscape and climate…